Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Burn after reading:
I went into this movie not knowing that it was a farce.
I also did not know it was a dark comedy. Therefore i was very surprised at a number of things. The farce was done so well that i didn't notice it was farce. I spent the first have of the movie subconsciously thinking, "this is the most unrealistic movie ever."
Only after I realized that it was not only farce, but dark comedy, did i come to appreciate it. Never the less i was still ignorant during a turning point of the movie. I was completely shocked at Brad Pitt's death. The cohen brothers brilliantly archetected that pivotol turning point. The created a complete shift in the movie. By switching abruptly from a situation that was all fun and games, to the gruesome and graphic death of a main character, the Cohen brothers shocked the audience; provoking emotion, and setting the tone for the rest of the movie.

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