Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mad Money

This was not a very good movie, but at the same time it was enjoyable. It was sweet, but extremely predictable. Three women decide to become janitors at a bank run by a strict manager. They develop a plan to steal money. It naturally escalates as two of the women's husbands are brought into and Queen Latifa's boyfriend/bank security guard also enters the mix.

Mad Money was a bit repetitive. Will they get caught? No. Will they get caught this time? No. Until finally something as stupid as day time trading is what does them in. I did enjoy the development of the relationship between the characters. There were also a lot of likable characters. Diane Keaton is the mischiefs leader of the pack who enjoys the thrill. She ironically contrasts her reserved husband Ted Danson - a sweet man who tries to be logical and looks out for the good of the others. Queen Latifa plays the single mother whose sex drive is on the fritz and can only be cured by sensitive Roger Cross. Katie Holmes and Adam Rothenberg play the young couple, who don't completely understand the risk of the theft and come close to bringing the group into trouble - though making theft and blowing up money fun along the way.

Yes, I said "blowing up money." The characters thieving comes to end with the logical conclusion of destroying the money they had stolen (not like that's illegal or anything). Holmes and Rothenberg naturally construct a Rube Goldberg machine to destroy their trailer. Queen Latifa is caught dumping money into an outdoor grill as her teenage son (who i should add might be taken away) stands and watches in bewilderment. Ted Danson is found huddling over a toilet that has been turned into a money shredder, unaware that his wife has taken half the money and fled the country.

All an all, the movie was entertaining and the characters were easy to relate to, even though it often didn't make any sense. It was the kind of movie that relies on sappy stories, random feel good endings, and lots of money being tossed into the air.

Final Rating: 2.2

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